YARSI University Strengthens Commitment to SDGs Through Curriculum Implementation Training

YARSI University held SDGs Implementation Training in the YARSI University Curriculum on November 15 & 19, 2024 as part of the commitment to support sustainable development through quality education. This activity aims to increase the understanding of educators and education managers regarding the integration of SDGs in the university curriculum.

The training covered the basic concepts, urgency, and practical steps of implementing SDGs in the academic curriculum. Participants consisted of university-level representatives, such as the Vice Chancellor and Head of the Center for Education, as well as faculty and school representatives, including the Vice Dean I, Head of Study Program, Secretary of Study Program, and study program curriculum team.

This activity contributes to the achievement of SDG 4: Quality Education, which aims to create inclusive, equitable and quality education. The training took place in two sessions, where the first session discussed the theory and basic concepts of SDGs in education, while the second session focused on implementation as well as case studies from other universities that have successfully implemented SDGs in their curriculum.

Participants responded positively, actively discussed, and shared experiences on the challenges and opportunities in adapting the SDGs into YARSI University’s learning system. As a follow-up, the university will form a special team to oversee the implementation of SDGs in the curriculum and develop policies that support these goals.

YARSI University appreciates all parties who have contributed to this activity and hopes that similar efforts can continue to be made to support the achievement of SDGs through higher education.