Urban Air Quality Unveiled: Finding Effective Solutions for Cleaner Cities

The video titled “Mencari Udara Bersih di Sekitar Kita, Apa Mungkin?” broadcasted by Liputan6, is an educational resource on the impacts of air pollution in Jakarta and its effects on public health, featuring Prof. dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Sp.P(K), DTM&H., MARS., DTCE., FISR., Director of the Postgraduate Program at Universitas YARSI. In this video, the speakers identify major sources of pollution such as vehicle emissions, industrial processes, and waste burning, with a particular focus on PM 2.5, which can cause respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. They stress the importance of maintaining a clean environment as a fundamental human right and recommend measures such as using public transportation, reducing waste burning, and implementing collective efforts to improve air quality through the promotion of electric vehicles and the expansion of green spaces. Additionally, the video discusses the use of technology, such as air quality monitoring apps and filtration systems, to mitigate pollution impacts. These initiatives support Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, aiming to create cleaner, safer, and more sustainable urban environments.