Special Moment, MKn YARSI Students Learn ChatGPT and International Arbitration with International Teachers

Bringing international guest lecturers to a university is no easy feat, but for Universitas YARSI, it’s business as usual. Recently, students from the Master of Notary Law Program (MKn) had the opportunity to learn from two esteemed international professors: Prof. Dr. Jur. Stefan Kaos from the University of Würzburg, Germany, and Prof. Dr. Harald Sippel, MBA, a world-renowned lawyer specializing in international arbitration.

In a fascinating session, Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaos focused on the theme “How to Create a Thesis with ChatGPT.” He shared insights on the potential of ChatGPT in thesis writing, particularly its usefulness in qualitative, quantitative, and mathematical research methods. Students were encouraged to explore ChatGPT as a tool that aids in thesis creation, but also cautioned about the limitations of relying solely on AI-generated content.

Following this, Prof. Dr. Harald Sippel took the floor to discuss international arbitration. Dr. Chandra Yusuf, Head of the MKn Program, emphasized the importance of knowledge in arbitration for MKn students, particularly for notaries who will be involved in contract design and selecting between litigation and arbitration. Prof. Sippel’s session shed light on the complexities of resolving disputes across different legal systems and provided valuable perspectives on managing international contracts.

The collaboration between the MKn Program and the Student Association (HIMA MKn) made this event possible. Ismi Rahmadini Sheisa Ria, Chair of HIMA MKn, expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to learn from such distinguished experts. She emphasized the importance of ChatGPT in research, though she also pointed out its limitations in creative thinking and intellectual property concerns.

Date: November 2023
Location: Universitas YARSI, Jakarta
Host Unit: Master of Notary Law Program (MKn)
Participants: MKn students, international instructors, faculty members
Type of Event: Guest Lectures, Knowledge Sharing Session
Speakers: Dr. Jur. Stefan Kaos (University of Würzburg), Prof. Dr. Harald Sippel, MBA (International Arbitration Expert), Dr. Chandra Yusuf, S.H., M.B.A., L.L.M., M.Mgt. (Head of MKn Program)