FHUY Conducts Legal Drafting Workshop to Reach Excellent and International Accreditation

Universitas YARSI has made significant strides toward international recognition, securing support in 2023 from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Dirjen Diktiristek, Kemendikbudristek) to facilitate international accreditation by the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA). Four of its programs—Psychology, Law, Master of Notary Law (MKn), and Library and Information Science (PdSI)—have been selected for this ambitious journey.

Each program is undergoing extensive preparations, with the PdSI Program leading efforts to bolster international credibility through a comprehensive Self-Assessment Report, in-depth collaboration with task forces, and meticulous documentation tailored to meet FIBAA standards. The PdSI Program is enhancing its focus areas, including health information research, library technology integration, and Islamic information sciences, to align with global academic benchmarks.

Head of PdSI, Indah Kurnianingsih, noted that FIBAA accreditation will elevate PdSI’s reputation, fostering international partnerships, expanding credit transfer opportunities, and equipping students for global careers. PdSI’s commitment to technology-driven library science, she emphasized, ensures graduates are prepared for dynamic roles like System Librarians, Data Analysts, Records Managers, and Document Controllers.

As Universitas YARSI advances toward these accreditation goals, faculty, students, and alumni alike are encouraged to support this prestigious endeavor, symbolizing a new era of excellence and opportunity for the university.

Date: July – December 2023
Location: Universitas YARSI, Jakarta
Host Unit: Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek)
Participants: Faculty members, students, accreditation teams, and university leadership
Type of Event: Accreditation Facilitation, Academic Excellence Campaign
Speakers: Indah Kurnianingsih, S.IP., M.P. (Head of the PdSI Program), Dr. Miwa Patnani, S.Psi., M.Si. (Dean of the Faculty of Psychology), Dr. Liza Evita, S.H., M.Hum. (Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law), Dr. Chandra Yusuf, S.H., M.B.A., L.L.M. (Head of the MKn Program)