Faith, Finance, and Technology: Islamic Views on Online Loans

“Hukum Pinjol dalam Islam, Gaya Hidup atau Kebutuhan?” The webinar was organized by YARSI University on October 13 2023, to discuss the legal aspects of online loans (pinjol) from an Islamic perspective. The webinar provides an in-depth look at how online loans are viewed in the context of Islamic law and their impact on lifestyle and societal needs. The speakers explained that, according to Islam, the legality of online loans is significantly influenced by Sharia principles that prohibit riba (interest). The discussion focused on how online loans often involve interest, which is considered riba and thus contrary to Islamic teachings.

The webinar also highlighted the need for alternative loans that comply with Islamic law, such as interest-free loans or other Sharia-compliant financial products. The speakers encouraged participants to better understand Sharia-compliant financial products and choose solutions aligned with Islamic principles for managing personal finances. Overall, the webinar aimed to provide a better understanding of how online loans are treated in Islam and to promote the use of Sharia-compliant financial products for the welfare of society. This aligns with SDG 1 (No Poverty) as the webinar contributes to understanding ethical and responsible financial management. This is important for reducing poverty by ensuring that individuals have access to financial resources that adhere to ethical and Sharia principles.

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