Empowering Connections: Mastering Social Skills for Future Success

On August 16, 2023, YARSI University conducted a training session with the theme “Social Skills for Success” as part of its Continuous Professional Development (CPD) program. This training focused on equipping participants with a deeper understanding of social skills, covering key topics such as “An Adult’s Guide to Social Skills,” “What are Social Skills?”, “The Impact of Social Skills,” and “Essential Social Skills Needed in the Workplace and Why They Are Important.” This initiative supports Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4: Quality Education, by emphasizing the importance of non-academic competencies that contribute to personal and professional success.

During the session, participants explored the role of social skills in everyday interactions and their significant impact on personal relationships and professional settings. The training highlighted how poor social skills can lead to communication breakdowns, reduced workplace collaboration, and missed opportunities. Participants were introduced to social skills critical for the workplace, such as effective communication, empathy, teamwork, and conflict resolution. These skills align with SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, as they foster healthier work environments and more productive interactions in professional settings.

To reinforce the training objectives, participants engaged in a practical pair task through roleplay scenarios. In these activities, they acted out various social situations, identifying the specific social skills required and explaining why these skills were important in each scenario. The training successfully achieved its objectives of helping participants understand what social skills are, why they are essential, the negative effects of poor social skills, and the identification of key social skills needed in the workplace. This training contributes to SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities by empowering individuals with the social tools they need to succeed in diverse environments and fostering inclusion in both personal and professional spheres.