Surname : Madjid
First Name : Suhirman
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  • S1
  • S2
  • S3
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) :
  1. Tax
  2. Tax Accounting
  3. Financial Accounting
Further Qualifications :
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : 1996
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Full-time – Assitant Professor
Teaching Focus :
  1. Tax
  2. Tax Accounting
  3. Financial Accounting
Interdisciplinary Aspects :
Activities in the Areas :  
Further Education : Tax Brevet and UMKM Assistance Consultant
Research (last 10 years) :
  1. 2013: Pengaruh Kualitas Pemeriksaan Pajak Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Tingkat Kepatuhan Pelaporan Pajak Individu Bendahrawan Pemerintah (Studi Pada Bendaharawan Pemerintah Dilingkungan SKPD Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan)
  2. 2015: The Effect Tax Audit Quality and Service Quality On Tax Reporting Compliance (The cases of tax audit of Indonesian)
  3. 2017: Pengaruh Penerapan Tax Amnesty Terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Serta Potensi Perluasan Basis Data Pajak
  4. 2017: Pengaruh SPM Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan rumah sakit di Kotamadya Bogor dan Kabupaten Bogor
Consultancy :
  1. Financial & Accounting Manager – PT OBC, Bandung
  2. Accounting Manager – PT Sinar Orient Garment, Jakarta
  3. Internal Audit – PT Steady Safe Tbk, Jakarta
  4. Auditor of Public Accounting Firm – AGA & Rekan, Malang
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? :
Work experience:
General : 2016: Expert resource in a trial at the Constitutional Court (MK RI) in a dispute over the Tax Court Law
Activities as an expert : Being a speaker in Islamic studies
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): : 2015: The Effect Tax Audit Quality and Service Quality On Tax Reporting Compliance (The cases of tax audit of Indonesian). Research Journal of Finance and Accounting. IISTE Vol 6, No 12
Membership :
International experience through:
Management Activities :
Acedemic Activities :
Personal Background/ Experience :
Books :
Conferences :  
Awards :
Certification :  
Other :