Surname : Hidayat
First Name : Roni
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  1. S1 Al-Azhar University Cairo (2002- 2007) – Hadith
  2. S2 IAIN Imam Bonjol (2008-2012) – Hadith
  3. S3 UIN Syarif Hidayatullah (2018-2021) – Hadith
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) : Hadith, Islamic economy, Islamic history, Fiqh, Arabic
Further Qualifications :
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : 2002
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Assistant Professor
Teaching Focus : Hadith, Islamic economy, Islamic history, Fiqh, Arabic
Interdisciplinary Aspects : Contemporary Muamalah Fiqh
Activities in the Areas :  
Further Education : Fiqh in Contemporary Financial Transactions
Research (last 10 years) :
  1. Researcher at STEI SEBI Depok (2013-2023)
  2. Expert team at Creation of Book Religious
  3. Moderation in 2022 at the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesi
Consultancy :
  1. Advisory Board at MUI Serua
  2. Lecturer (Da’i) in Various Islamic Studies and Mosques
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? : My research interests are related to my teaching activities. I have conducted some research in hadith, islamic economy, contemporary finance, fiqh, Arabic and share those theoretical and empirical research on my teaching.
Work experience: :
General :
  1. Lecturer at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (2012- 2023)
  2. Lecturer at STEI SEBI Depok (2013-2023)
  3. Lecturer at YARSI University (2023-now)
Activities as an expert :
  1. Expert team at Creation of Book Religious
  2. Moderation in 2022 at the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): :
  1. “The Concept of Effective Waqf in Building the Nation”, Journal of Islamic Economics and Banking Vol.6, No. 2. 2018
  2. “Revealing The Meaning of Bai’ and Tijarah in Al- Qur’an (An Interpretation of Economic Verses)”, Journal of Islamic Economics and Banking (JEPS) Vol.7. No.2, October 2019: 34-46
  3. “Is Muwakif’s Trust Determined by the Accountability of Cash Waqf Management and the Role of Nadzir?”, Journal of Islamic Accounting and Finance (JAKIS) Vol.8, No.1 (2020)
  4. “Analysis of the Implementation of Internet Financial Reporting (IFR) in Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia” in Iqtishadia; Journal of Economics and Islamic Banking. Vol.7, No.1 (2020)
  5. “Fiqh Muamalah Overview of Electronic Money Products at Linkaja Shariah” in the Journal of Islamic Economics and Banking (JEPS) Vol.9, No.1 (2021)
  6. Book entitled ” Study of Hadith References to Fatwa DSN MUI on Islamic Banking Products “, ISBN: 978-623- 6394-05-2, Publisher: Staini Press, Bogor
  7. Islamic Law Review of the Practice of Farm Labor Wages with the “Derep” System: Case Study in Linggajaya Village, Ciwaru Subdistrict, Al Barakat – Journal of Islamic Economic Law Studies 1 (01), 29-29, 2021
  8. Review of Islamic Law on Giving Gifts (Bonuses) in Wadi’ah Agreements in iB Hijrah Savings Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tegal Branch, Al Barakat – Journal of Sharia Economic Law Studies 2 (01), 19-36, 2022
  9. Sharia Review of Mutual Funds Selling Agents: A Case Study of Ajaib Applications in Journal Bulletin of Islamic Economics, Vol.1 No.2 (2022) 49-64.
  10. “Analysis of Tokopedia Insurance from a Sharia Perspective. Al-Barakat – Journal of Sharia Economic Law Studies, 3(1), 1-15
  11. “Analysis of Fikih Muamalah on the Profit Sharing System by Shrimp Farmers”, Journal of Fiqh in Contemporary Financial Transactions (JFCFT), Vol.1, No.1 (2023)
Membership : IKADI, Corps Da’i Dhuafa Wallet (Cordofa), Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)
International experience through: :
  1. “Become a participant in the International Seminar on Islamic Economics and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda” at SEBI Hall STEI SEBI Campus” (2018)
  2. Become a Lecturer in the Australian Da’wah Safari Program (Sydney, Perth, Adelaide) from 5 May – 6 June 2019 organized by Corps Da’i Dhuafa Wallet (Cordofa)
  3. Become a lecturer at the Midori Tokodai Islamic Online Courses Event (2020): Sirah-Getting to Know the Personality of Rasulullah SAW
  4. Become a lecturer at the Indonesian Embassy in Greece’s Islamic Online Courses Event (2020): Sirah Nabawiyah held by Dhuafa Wallet Greece
  5. Become a Lecturer in the World Minang Online Study with the theme: Adat Basandi Syarak, Syarak Basandi Kitabullah, organized by ACT Australia (2020)
  6. Become a participant in the Series 1 International Collaborative Higher Education Seminar with the theme “Islamic Social Banking: Theoretical Perspective” organized by UIN Imam Bonjol, IAIN of Salatiga, FEB Diponegoro University, STEI SEBI, Griffith University and the 5000 Doctoral Program of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion.
Management Activities :
Acedemic Activities :
Personal Background/ Experience :
Books :
Conferences :  
Awards :
Certification :  
Other :