Surname : Santosa
First Name : Perdana Wahyu
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  • S1 Mining Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • S2 Accounting Management, Universitas Indonesia
  • S3 Financial Management, Universitas Padjajaran
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) :
  1. Financial Management
  2. Capital Market and Investment
  3. Financial Report Analysis
Further Qualifications : Business environment, research method, and accounting management
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : 2002
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Associate professor (Kum 754)/IIId
Teaching Focus : Business Math and Statistical Business
Interdisciplinary Aspects : Financial Research
Activities in the Areas :
Further Education :
  1. Wakil Manajer Investasi (WMI) (2014)
  2. Qualified Wealth Planner (QWP) (2022)
  3. Certified Risk Profesional (CRP) (2022)
Research (last 10 years) :
  1. Analysis of Competition, Stability and Efficiency of the Indonesian Banking Industry: A Panel Vector Autoregression Approach (2016)
  2. The effect of earning information, cash flow componens, firnancing decision, and Stock Return:Empirical Evidence on Indonesia stock exchange (2018)
  3. Financial performance, exchange rate and stock return: Evidence from manufacturing sector (2018)
  4. Does Exchange Rate Volatility cause Overreaction in the Capital Market? Evidence from Indonesia. (2018)
  5. Corporate Fundamentals, Bi Rate And Systematic Risk: Evidence From Indonesia Stock Exchange (2018)
  6. Efficiency study of Indonesia’s Islamic capital market: Over-reaction or momentum? (2018)
  7. Correlation analysis of macroeconomic and NPF on risk, corporate governance, profitability and capital of Islamic banking (2018)
  8. Analysis of fundamental factors, corporate social responsibility and auditor quality on firm value on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (2019)
  9. The effect of debt policy, fundamental factors and ownership on profitability on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. (2019)Determinants of price reversal in highfrequency trading: empirical evidence from Indonesia (2019)
  10. The role of moderating audit quality relationship between corporate characteristics and financial distress in the Indonesian mining sector. (2020)
  11. The Intervening Effect of the Dividend Policy on Financial Performance and Firm Value in Large Indonesian Firms. (2020)
  12. The moderating role of firm size on financial charactersitics and Islamic firm value at Indonesian equity market. (2020)
Consultancy :
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? : Once the research has been done, it will enrich the activities conducted in class, whether in terms of practice, simulation, and deeper analysis for students
Work experience:
General :
  1. Co-founder of Finmax Consulting (2013 -current)
  2. Commisioner at BUMN PT Kertas Padalarang (Persero) (2012 – 2017)
  3. Desigining of murabahah based syariah futures exchangec (2012)
  4. Member of the Economic and Financial Board of the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (2011 – 2015)
Activities as an expert :
  1. Training of Hydrophonic Vegetable Business Based on Syariah Management (2018 – 2020)
  2. Training on Halal Cullinary and Finance for SMEs’ in Central Jakarta (2019 – 2020)
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): :
  1. Competition and Banking Stability in Indonesia : An Autoregression Vector Panel Analysis Approach (2017)
  2. Stock Return and Fundamental Factors on Global Pre Economic Crisis in Indonesia Stock Exchange (2018)
  3. Application of Altman Modified Z-Score to Predict Financial Distress in the Indonesian Telecommunications Industry (2019)
  4. Perbandingan Kinerja Reksadana Konvensional dengan Syariah (2019)
  5. The effect of earning information, cash flow componens, financing decision, and Stock Return: Empirical Evidence on Indonesia stock exchange (2019)
  6. Financial performance, exchange rate and stock return: Evidence from manufacturing sector (2019)
  7. Does Exchange Rate Volatility cause Overreaction in the Capital Market? Evidence from Indonesia (2019)
  8. Corporate Fundamentals, Bi Rate And Systematic Risk: Evidence From Indonesia Stock Exchange (2019)
  9. Does the January effect anomaly still exist at Indonesia Stock Exchange ? (2019)
  10. Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan dan BI Rate terhadap Return Saham Sektor Otomotif Indonesia (2020)
  11. Does acquisition improve Indonesian bank financial performance? (2020)
  12. Karakteristik bank target akuisisi asing (cross-border) dan domestik pada perbankan Indonesia (2020)
  13. The effect of corporate characteristics on capital structure in Indonesia (2020)
  14. The Controlling role of Ownership on Financial Performance and Capital Structure in Indonesia (2020)
  15. Studi efisiensi pasar modal syariah Indonesia: Over-reaksi atau momentum? (2020)
  16. The relationship of macro-risk indicators, internal factors, and risk profilr of Islamic banking in Indonesia (2020)
  17. Determinants of price reversal in high-frequency trading: empirical evidence from Indonesia (2020)
  18. The role of moderating audit quality relationship between corporate characteristics and financial distress in the Indonesian mining sector (2020)
  19. The Intervening Effect of the Dividend Policy on Financial Performance and Firm Value in Large Indonesian Firms (2020)
  20. The moderating role of firm size on financial charactersitics and Islamic firm value at Indonesian equity market (2020)
  21. The Intervening Effect of the Dividend Policy on Financial Performance and Firm Value in Large Indonesian Firms (2020)
  22. The Effect of Financial Performance and Innovation on Leverage: Evidence from Indonesian Food and Beverage Sector (2020)
  23. Macroeconomic Indicators and Yield Curve of Indonesian Government Bond (2021)
  24. The moderating role of audit quality and firm size in the effect of corporate governance on related party transactions: Evidence from Indonesi. (2021)
  25. Related Party Transactions and Corporate Governance in Business Group: Evidence from Indonesia (2022)
  26. The Moderating Role Of Firm Size On Relationship Between Majority Ownership And Debt Policy Of Property Sector (2022)
  27. Corporate governance and leverage on firm value: Evidence of Indonesian large firms (2022)
  28. Factors that Influence Muslim Employee Behavior to Contribute to Money Waqf through Salary Cutting (2022)
  29. Moderating role of audit quality and firm size on pretax profit margin and related party transactions: Evidence from Indonesia (2023)
Membership :
International experience through:
Management Activities :
Acedemic Activities :
Personal Background/ Experience :
Books :
Conferences :
Awards :
Certification :
Other :