At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: |
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2002 |
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): |
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Associate professor (Kum 754)/IIId |
Teaching Focus |
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Business Math and Statistical Business |
Interdisciplinary Aspects |
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Financial Research |
Activities in the Areas |
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Further Education |
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- Wakil Manajer Investasi (WMI) (2014)
- Qualified Wealth Planner (QWP) (2022)
- Certified Risk Profesional (CRP) (2022)
Research (last 10 years) |
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- Analysis of Competition, Stability and Efficiency of the Indonesian Banking Industry: A Panel Vector Autoregression Approach (2016)
- The effect of earning information, cash flow componens, firnancing decision, and Stock Return:Empirical Evidence on Indonesia stock exchange (2018)
- Financial performance, exchange rate and stock return: Evidence from manufacturing sector (2018)
- Does Exchange Rate Volatility cause Overreaction in the Capital Market? Evidence from Indonesia. (2018)
- Corporate Fundamentals, Bi Rate And Systematic Risk: Evidence From Indonesia Stock Exchange (2018)
- Efficiency study of Indonesia’s Islamic capital market: Over-reaction or momentum? (2018)
- Correlation analysis of macroeconomic and NPF on risk, corporate governance, profitability and capital of Islamic banking (2018)
- Analysis of fundamental factors, corporate social responsibility and auditor quality on firm value on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (2019)
- The effect of debt policy, fundamental factors and ownership on profitability on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. (2019)Determinants of price reversal in highfrequency trading: empirical evidence from Indonesia (2019)
- The role of moderating audit quality relationship between corporate characteristics and financial distress in the Indonesian mining sector. (2020)
- The Intervening Effect of the Dividend Policy on Financial Performance and Firm Value in Large Indonesian Firms. (2020)
- The moderating role of firm size on financial charactersitics and Islamic firm value at Indonesian equity market. (2020)
Consultancy |
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How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? |
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Once the research has been done, it will enrich the activities conducted in class, whether in terms of practice, simulation, and deeper analysis for students |
Work experience: |
General |
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- Co-founder of Finmax Consulting (2013 -current)
- Commisioner at BUMN PT Kertas Padalarang (Persero) (2012 – 2017)
- Desigining of murabahah based syariah futures exchangec (2012)
- Member of the Economic and Financial Board of the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (2011 – 2015)
Activities as an expert |
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- Training of Hydrophonic Vegetable Business Based on Syariah Management (2018 – 2020)
- Training on Halal Cullinary and Finance for SMEs’ in Central Jakarta (2019 – 2020)
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): |
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- Competition and Banking Stability in Indonesia : An Autoregression Vector Panel Analysis Approach (2017)
- Stock Return and Fundamental Factors on Global Pre Economic Crisis in Indonesia Stock Exchange (2018)
- Application of Altman Modified Z-Score to Predict Financial Distress in the Indonesian Telecommunications Industry (2019)
- Perbandingan Kinerja Reksadana Konvensional dengan Syariah (2019)
- The effect of earning information, cash flow componens, financing decision, and Stock Return: Empirical Evidence on Indonesia stock exchange (2019)
- Financial performance, exchange rate and stock return: Evidence from manufacturing sector (2019)
- Does Exchange Rate Volatility cause Overreaction in the Capital Market? Evidence from Indonesia (2019)
- Corporate Fundamentals, Bi Rate And Systematic Risk: Evidence From Indonesia Stock Exchange (2019)
- Does the January effect anomaly still exist at Indonesia Stock Exchange ? (2019)
- Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan dan BI Rate terhadap Return Saham Sektor Otomotif Indonesia (2020)
- Does acquisition improve Indonesian bank financial performance? (2020)
- Karakteristik bank target akuisisi asing (cross-border) dan domestik pada perbankan Indonesia (2020)
- The effect of corporate characteristics on capital structure in Indonesia (2020)
- The Controlling role of Ownership on Financial Performance and Capital Structure in Indonesia (2020)
- Studi efisiensi pasar modal syariah Indonesia: Over-reaksi atau momentum? (2020)
- The relationship of macro-risk indicators, internal factors, and risk profilr of Islamic banking in Indonesia (2020)
- Determinants of price reversal in high-frequency trading: empirical evidence from Indonesia (2020)
- The role of moderating audit quality relationship between corporate characteristics and financial distress in the Indonesian mining sector (2020)
- The Intervening Effect of the Dividend Policy on Financial Performance and Firm Value in Large Indonesian Firms (2020)
- The moderating role of firm size on financial charactersitics and Islamic firm value at Indonesian equity market (2020)
- The Intervening Effect of the Dividend Policy on Financial Performance and Firm Value in Large Indonesian Firms (2020)
- The Effect of Financial Performance and Innovation on Leverage: Evidence from Indonesian Food and Beverage Sector (2020)
- Macroeconomic Indicators and Yield Curve of Indonesian Government Bond (2021)
- The moderating role of audit quality and firm size in the effect of corporate governance on related party transactions: Evidence from Indonesi. (2021)
- Related Party Transactions and Corporate Governance in Business Group: Evidence from Indonesia (2022)
- The Moderating Role Of Firm Size On Relationship Between Majority Ownership And Debt Policy Of Property Sector (2022)
- Corporate governance and leverage on firm value: Evidence of Indonesian large firms (2022)
- Factors that Influence Muslim Employee Behavior to Contribute to Money Waqf through Salary Cutting (2022)
- Moderating role of audit quality and firm size on pretax profit margin and related party transactions: Evidence from Indonesia (2023)
Membership |
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International experience through: |
Management Activities |
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Acedemic Activities |
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Personal Background/ Experience |
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Books |
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Conferences |
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Awards |
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Certification |
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Other |
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