Surname : Fadhilah
First Name : Penny Rahmah
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  • S1 Indonesia University
  • S2 Indonesia University
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) :
  1. Finance
  2. Islamic Finance
Further Qualifications : Business Math, Business Statistics
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : 25 June 2015
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Assistant Professor
Teaching Focus : Finance, Islamic Finance
Interdisciplinary Aspects : Business Math, Business Statistics
Activities in the Areas :
Further Education :
  1. Educator Certificate
  2. Instructional Skill Development (PEKERTI)
  3. National Certification for Trainer (NCT)
  4. Certified Qualified Wealth Planner (QWP)
  5. Certificateof Report Writing Training
  6. Certificate of Self Leadership Training
Research (last 10 years) :
  1. 2011: Perception and Intention of Moslems SMEs’ in Money Release Service on Syariah Micro Financial Institution
  2. 2016: The Analysis of Syariah Stock Integration in Indonesia
  3. 2017: Forecasting Syariah Stock Index di Indonesia
  4. 2017: Forecasting Syariah Stock Index di Indonesia (ISSI) using ARIMA Method
  5. 2018: Capital Market Efficiency Analysis of the Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) on the Jakarta Stock Exchange
  6. 2019: Optimization of Potential Loss of Sharia Blue Chips Stock Portfolio with Value At Risk
Consultancy : 2013 – 2015 Financial Consultant in PT Nuvita Putra Pratama, Central Jakarta
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? : Research outcomes is useful to give insight in several subjects on financial classroom, for instance value time of money, concept of security valuation, concept of risk and return.
Work experience:
General : Last 10 Years:

  1. 2013 – 2015: Working as a Financial Consultant in PT. Nuvita Putra Pratama, Jakarta Pusat
  2. 2013 – 2015: Teaching staff at At-Tahiriyah University, Tebet
  3. 2014 – 2015: Teaching staff at STEBANK (Economics and Bank Institute)
  4. 2015 – now: Teaching staff at YARSI University
Activities as an expert : 2013 -2015 Financial Consultant in PT Nuvita Putra Pratama, Central Jakarta
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): :
  1. The influence Pengaruh Brand Image, product quality, price on purchase decision on Sari Roti Consumers, 2014 (Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen)
  2. Optimization of Potential Loss Blue Chips Syariah Stock Portfolio with Value At Risk, 2021 (Jurnal Orientasi Bisnis dan Entrepreneurship)
  3. The Analysis of Syariah Stock Integration in Asia Compared to Indonesia’s , 2021 (Jurnal Orientasi Bisnis dan Entrepreneurship)
  4. Forecasting Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI) menggunakan Metode ARIMA tahun 2018 (Jurnal Orientasi Bisnis dan Entrepreneurship)
  5. Personal Financial Planning bagi warga Kecamatan Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat, 2018 (Proceeding of Community Development)
  6. Perception and Interest of Muslim Micro Small Business Actors using money release services towards Islamic microfinance institution services, 2016 (Saintekes)
  7. Handling stunting in pandeglang district with a community economic behavior change approach, 2023 (Journal of Population and Sustainable Development)
  8. Zakat as a tax credit for raising indonesian tax revenue, 2019 International journal of zakat)
  9. The influence of work motivation, leadership style, and compensation on employee performance, 2023 (research of economics and business)
  10. Economic empowerment training through the process of recycling used cooking oil into soap for the congregation of Al-Muhajirin recitation, Ciketaing Udik, bantar Gebang, Bekasi, 2023
Membership :
International experience through:
Management Activities :
Acedemic Activities :
Personal Background/ Experience :
Books :
Conferences :  
Awards :
Certification :  
Other :