Surname : Huda
First Name : Nurul
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  1. Bachelor in Economics and Development – Andalas University
  2. Master in Management – STIE IPWIJA
  3. Master in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies – Universitas of
  4. Doctor in Islamic Economics – Airlangga University
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) : Economic Theory
Further Qualifications : Islamic Economics
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : August 1, 1994
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Professor
Teaching Focus : Economic Theory
Interdisciplinary Aspects :
Activities in the Areas :  
Further Education :
Research (last 10 years) :
  1. 2022: Village Level Stunting Mitigation with CENTURION (Centing Plus
    Integration of Epigenetic Data on Nutrition, Cognitive and Economic
    Empowerment) in Pandeglang Regency
  2. 2020: Analysis of the Performance of the Sharia Financial Industry
    Before and After Covid-19
  3. 2020: Factors that influence public understanding of intellectual
    property rights endowments
  4. 2020: Assessment Indicator Model (Libqual) on Higher Education User
  5. 2020: Analysis of the Influence of Public Interest on the Decision
    to Choose Financing Products at Sharia Banks in Indonesia
  6. 2019: Factors that Influence the Behavior of Muslim Employees to
    Contribute to Cash Endowments Through Salary Deductions
  7. 2019: Millennial Generation Behavior in Purchasing Indonesian Halal
    Tourism Products
  8. 2019: Strategic Model for Halal Tourism Development Year II
  9. 2018: Muslim Community Perceptions of Sharia Hotels
  10. 2018: Perceptions of the Muslim academic community towards Cash Waqf
  11. 2018: Strategic Model for Halal Tourism Development Year I
Consultancy :
  1. Sharia Audit Material Preparation Team for the Zakat Management
    Institution of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia
  2. Team for Compiling Zakat and Waqf Statistics Figures within the
    Directorate General of Islamic Community Guidance
  3. Drafting Team for the Draft Revision of the Waqf Law of the Republic
    of Indonesia Number 41 of 2004
  4. Administrative Selection Implementation Team for Evaluation of
    Proposals/Desk Evaluation of Research and Community Service Program
    Proposals for Fiscal Year 2023 Directorate General of Higher
    Education Research and Technology Ministry of Education Culture
    Research and Technology
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? :
Work experience: :
General :
  1. Head of the Master of Management Program, YARSI University Graduate
  2. Dean of the Faculty of Economics, YARSI University
  3. Assistant Dean I, Faculty of Economics, YARSI University
  4. Assistant Dean III, Faculty of Economics, YARSI University
  5. Chairman of the Human Resources Division of the DPP Association of
    Islamic Economic Experts (IAEI)
  6. Sharia Economic Community (MES) Expert Council
Activities as an expert :
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): :
  1. Problems, Solutions and Strategies Priority for Waqf in Indonesia,
  2. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 2017, 38(1),
  3. pp. 29-53
  4. WAQF an Instrument of Community Empowerment in Islamic Boarding
    School Daarut Tauhid in Indonesia, Journal of Islamic Economics,
    Banking and Finance, 2017, 13(2), pp. 76–88
  5. Evaluating Zakat Performance in Yogyakarta, Contemporary Issues on
    Business, Development and Islamic Economics in Indonesia, 2019, pp.
  6. Assessment Indicator Model (Libqual) On College Library
    Satisfaction, Library Philosophy and Practice, 2021, 2021, pp. 1-16
  7. Developing a Strategic Model for Halal Tourism in Aceh,
    International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 2021,
    9(1), pp. 70-82
  8. Project Financing Models for Small Medium Property Enterprises in
    the Framework of Maqasid Al-Shari’ah, Wealth Management and
    Investment in Islamic Settings: Opportunities and Challenges, 2022,
    pp. 115-133
  9. Investigating The Determinants Of Cash Waqf Intention: An Insight
    From Muslims In Indonesia, Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and
    Finance, 2023, 9(1), pp. 17-38
  10. The Analysis of Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Behavioral Control
    on Muzakki’s Intention to Pay Zakah, International Journal of
    Business and Social Science, Volume 3 Nomor 22, Hal 271-279,
    Juli-September 2014
  11. Solutions to Indonesian Zakah Problems Analytic Hierarchy Process
    Aprroach, Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, Volume
    10 Nomor 3, Januari-Maret 2015
  12. Analysis Of The Effects Of Zakat Collecting Institutions’ Service
    Quality On Muzakis’ Loyalty, Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking
    and Finance, Volume 11 No. 1, Maret 2017
  13. Product Design Mall of Islamic Microfinance Institutions Supporting
    Economic Empowerment Islamic Boarding School Indonesia (Case Study
    Islamic Boarding School Abdussalam), International Journal of
    Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 8 • Issue 4, Februari 2019
  14. Analysis of the Quantity of Economic and Islamic Financial Graduates
    Employing in Islamic Financial Industries, Journal of Humanities and
    Education Development (JHED), Vol-1, Issue-1, Jan – Feb 2019
  15. Integrated Economic Empowerment Model for Rural Islamic Boarding
    Schools in West Borneo Indonesia, The Journal of Social Sciences
    Research, ISSN(e): 2411-9458, ISSN(p): 2413-6670 Vol. 5, Issue. 4,
    pp: 1038-1045, 2019, dipublikasikan di DOI:
Membership :
  1. Indonesian Waqf Board Management Term of Office 2021-2024
  2. Management of the Private Islamic Higher Education Cooperation
    Agency throughout Indonesia Trust Period 2023-2027
  3. Chairman of the HR department of the DPP Association of Islamic
    Economic Experts
  4. Central Management of the Sharia Economic Community (MES) Period
    1444-1445 H
  5. Management of the Sharia Economic E-Learning
  6. Management Body Central Management of the Sharia Economic Community
    for the Period 1443-1445 AH
International experience through:
Management Activities :
Acedemic Activities :
  1. Become Keynote Speaker “The Youtuber’s Waqf and Zakat Model as A
    Fundraising Innovation for Waqf Funds”
  2. Become Keynote Speaker “Development of Productive Waqf Management in
    Improving the Welfare of People in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei
  3. Become a Speaker at “The International Conference of Islamic
    Economic and Financial Studies”
Personal Background/ Experience :
  1. Joint Research Dr Any Setianingrum, Indonesia & Dr Huma, Pakistan,
    Entitled: Comparative Analysis of Islamic Banking Awareness Among
    Universities of Pakistan and Indonesia, July 2023 – Present
  2. Participant of the conference and workshop research forum entitled
    “Ties that Bind: Mechanisms and Structures of Social Dependency in
    the Early Islamic Empire,” which was held from Tuesday 3 until
    Friday 6 December 2019. The conference organised by the research
    project “Embedding Conquest: Naturalising Muslim Rule in the Early
    Islamic Empire (600- 1000)” at Leiden University, the Netherlands
  3. Durham Islamic Finance Summer School, Durham University Business
    School, July 2019
Books :
  1. Pengenalan Ekslusif Ekonomi Islam, Prenada Media,
    79.3925.56.6297.63, 327 halaman 2007
  2. Investasi Pada Pasar Modal Syariah, Prenada Media,
    978.979.3925.86.8, 249 halaman 2008
  3. Ekonomi Makro Islam : Pendekatan Teoritis, Prenada Media,
    979.979.1486.12.5, 268 Halaman 2009
  4. Current Issues Lembaga Keuangan Syariah, Prenada Media,
    978.979.1486.65.1, 378 Halaman 2010
  5. Lembaga Keuangan Islam : Tinjauan Teoritis dan Praktis, Prenada
    Media, 390 Halaman
  6. Manajemen Bisnis Islami : Tauladan Rasul dalam Berbisnis, Prenada
    Media, 979.6028955.26.3, 240 Halaman 2011
  7. Keuangan Publik Islami, Pendekatan Al-Kaharaj (Imam Abu Yusuf),
    Ghalia, 978-979-450-643-1, 160 Halaman 2012
  8. Keuangan Publik Islami Pendekatan Teoritis dan Sejarah , Prenada
    Media, 978.602.9413., 366 Halaman 2015
  9. Zakat Perspektif Mikro-Makro Pendekatan Riset, Prenada Media,
    978.602.0895.02.4297.414.072, 252 Halaman
  10. Ekonomi Pembangunan Islam, Prenada Media, 978.602.1186.,
    237 Halaman
  11. Keuangan Publik : Pendekatan Instrumen Kebijakan dalam Perspektif
    Islam, Elek Media Komputindo, 9786020260075, 214 Halaman
  12. Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil : Tinjuan Teoritis, Bumi Aksara (AMZAH),
    978-602-0875-11-8, 208 Halaman 2017
  13. Manajemen Pemasaran Islam, Prenada Media, 978.602.422.185.0, 174
    Halaman 2018
  14. Etika Bisnis Syariah, Modul Universitas Terbuka (UT)
  15. UMKM Aspek Hukum dan Manajemen Pemasaran Produk, Empat Dua Kelompok
    Intrans Publishing, 978602-74226-9-8, 200 Halaman
  16. Ekonomi Mikro Islam, Penerbit Bumi Aksara, 616 Halaman
Conferences :  
Awards :
  1. Outstanding Lecturer I, 2018, LLDIKTI Region III (National)
  2. Outstanding Lecturer II, 2017, YARSI University (Local)
  3. Best Paper Award Seminar 2014, Pendeteksian Volatilitas Expected
    Rate of Return dari Instrumen Pembiayaan Perbankan Syariah Indonesia
    melalui Pemodelan GARCH (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional
    Heteroscedasticity) di STEI Tazkia, Sentul Bogor
  4. Best Paper 1, The 1st International Confrence on Tourism and
    Entrepreneurship (ICTE) 2019, Octo- ber 24th – 25th , Belitung,
Certification :  
Other :