Surname : Asasari
First Name : Masagus
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  • S1: Accounting – Tridinanti University
  • S2: Accounting – Padjajaran University
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) :
  1. Cost Accounting
  2. Management Accounting
  3. Accounting Information System
Further Qualifications : Research Method
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : 2003
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Full-time – Assitant Professor
Teaching Focus :
  1. Cost Accounting
  2. Management Accounting
  3. Accounting Information System
Interdisciplinary Aspects :
  1. Accounting
  2. Accounting Information System
Activities in the Areas :  
Further Education :
Research (last 10 years) :
  1. 2015: Faktor-faktor Penentu Karir Mahasiswa Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi Universitas Yarsi
  2. 2016: Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Metode Penilaian Akuntansi Persediaan sesuai PSAK 14
Consultancy :
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? : My research is related to accounting and accounting information system which in this research helps me to enrich the learning and lecture discussions of the courses I teach
Work experience:
General : now: Lecturer of Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, and Accounting Information System – Faculty of Economics and Business YARSI University
Activities as an expert :
  1. 2012: Manajemen Sampah meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat
  2. 2016: Speakers/Instructor – Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan Keluarga Berbasis Syariah Bagi Anggota PKK RW 05 Kelurahan Cempaka Putih Timur
  3. 2016: Teknik Pembukuan Sederhana Bagi Koperasi Usaha Jaya Mandiri Desa Tanjung Pasir
  4. Faculty Seminar – Manajemen Sampah – Faculty of Economics and Business YARSI University
  5. Peningkatan Kinerja Pelayanan Rumah Sakit – Faculty of Economics and Business YARSI University
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): :
Membership :
International experience through:
Management Activities :
Acedemic Activities :
Personal Background/ Experience :
Books :
Conferences :  
Awards :
Certification :  
Other :