At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: |
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October 1, 2021 |
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): |
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Lector |
Teaching Focus |
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slamic Economic, Islamic Social Finance |
Interdisciplinary Aspects |
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Halal Industry, Islamic Management |
Activities in the Areas |
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Further Education |
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Islamic MSME, Sertifikasi Nazhir Wakaf |
Research (last 10 years) |
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Islamic Economic, Islamic Social Finance, Islamic MSME |
Consultancy |
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- CEO of Millennial Waqf Institute 2022-Present
- IWI (Indonesia Waqf Institute) Researcher 2021-Present ISMI Board (Indonesian Muslim Saudagar Association) 2021- Present
- Board of DPP RPI * Indonesian Productive House) 2022-2024 ISMI BORA Cooperative Management 2022-Present
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? |
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Research and learning activities are very linier |
Work experience: |
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General |
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- Astra Amil Zakat Institution in 2013
- Lecturer at Sahid Islamic Institute of Religion (INAIS) Bogor in 2015
- LP3I Medan Lecturer in 2015
- Lecturer at IAIN Laa Roiba Bogor in 2020
- University Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia (UNUSIA) Lecturer in 2018
- Lecturer at YARSI University in 2021 until now
- Founder of Haluna Consulting in 2019 until now
- Founder of the Millennial Waqf Institute in 2021 until now
Activities as an expert |
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- Resource person related to export regulations in improving the Indonesian economy at Cut Out Goebok Indonesia (2020)
- Resource person related to cash waqf management in the community at UNUSIA (2021)
- Resource person for productive waqf development strategies for education and socio-economy at IWI and Iqtishad Consulting (2021)
- Resource person related to waste energy waqf as a solution in strengthening the economy and community environment at Talkshow research expose series 12 on BWI Channel Waqf (2021)
- Resource person related to productive zakat in the webinar the series of entrepreneurship students of the Islamic financial management study program FEBI Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University (2021)
- Resource person related to the development of waqf in Indonesia, opportunities and challenges in the webinar on Islamic philanthropy for the welfare of the people at IPC, Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, Surabaya University (2022)
- Resource person related to millennial waqf literacy at Ngopi Ramadhan (productive chat during the month of Ramadan at RPI (2022)
- Resource person related to waste for natural sustainability at Ramadhan Talks 2022 Waiting for Iftar Time with IAEI East Java (2022)
- Community Service Speaker at the Millennial Waqf Institute Related to Waqf Counseling in Cileungsi (2023)
- Resource Person for Community Service at the OASE Children of the Nation Foundation Regarding the Management and Development of Cash Waqf in North Jakarta (2023)
- Invite Visiting Lecturer About Shariah Philanthropy (Waqf) in FEBI IAIN Lhouksemawe (November 2023)
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): |
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- Waqf Accounting and Management Book (Salemba Empat, 2019) El-MAL Journal Vol.1 NO.1, June 2018, Principles of Property Ownership in Islam
- Journal JESKaPe (IAIN Lhouksemawe) 2018, Monopoly in the 21st Century in the Perspective of Islamic Economics
- Journal of JESKaPe (IAIN Lhouksemawe) 2019, Contract of Sale and Purchase in the Contemporary Era
- Muqtasid Journal (IAIN Salatiga) August 2019, National Amil Zakat Agency’s Strategy in Implementing Zakat Core Principle. Proceeding 1st International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICIS), Weak Culture of Zakat Core Principle Literacy in Indonesia, 2020
- Proceeding International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture (IC2L), Weak Culture of Zakat Literacy in North Sumatra, 2020
- Ekbis Journal (UIN Suka), Zakat Blockchain: A Descriptive Quantitative Approach, 2020
- Aceh Forest Waqf Strategy in Protecting Customary Forests in Aceh Province in GWC December 1-2, 2021
- Waqf solution for waste energy in improving economy and environment has been accepted in GWC 1-2 December 2021
- The Youtuber Waqf and Zakat Model as an Innovation in Raising Waqf Funds at the 2021 Asean University Ternational Conference on Islamic Finance (AICIF) with Prof. Nurul Huda, M.S.I
- Islamic Digital Library: A Review of Publications in Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)
- Cash Waqf Management Model for Higher Education. Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE)
Membership |
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- Commissioner of the Sharia Economic Society (MES) Greater Bogor Regional Office)
- Member of FORDEBI (West Java Islamic Economics and Business Lecturer Forum)
- Researcher/Board of Indonesia Waqf Institute (IWI) 2021- Present
- ISMI Management (Indonesian Muslim Saudagar Association) 2021-Present
- ISMI BORA Cooperative Management 2022-Present
International experience through: |
Management Activities |
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Acedemic Activities |
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- Aceh forest waqf strategy in protecting customary forests in Aceh Province in Global Waqt Conference December 1-2, 2021
- Waqf solutions for waste energy in improving the economy and the environment in Global Waqt Conference December 1-2, 2021
- Proceedings 1st International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICIS), Weak culture of zakat literacy core principle in Indonesia, 2020
- The Youtuber Waqf and Model Zakat as a Fundraising Innovation for Waqf Funds in Asean University International Conference on Islamic Finance (AICIF) 2021 with Prof. Nurul Huda, M.S.I
- Islamic Digital Library: A Review Publikasi di Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)
- Management Model Of Cash Waqf For University. Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE)
Personal Background/ Experience |
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Books |
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Conferences |
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Awards |
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Certification |
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Other |
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- Draft Regional Regulation on Sharia Cooperatives and MSMEs in Tangerang City 2020
- Ministry of Religious Affairs 5000 Doctor Mora Scholarship 2016 Scholarship from Baznas in 2018