Surname : Budiantoro
First Name : Harry
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  • S1: STIE Kusuma Negara
  • S2: Kwik Kian Gie School of Business
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) :
  1. Auditing
  2. Accounting Information System
  3. Internal Auditing
Further Qualifications : Management Control System
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : 2015
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Full-time – Assistant Professor
Teaching Focus :
  1. Auditing
  2. Accounting Information System
  3. Internal Auditing
Interdisciplinary Aspects : Management Control System
Activities in the Areas :  
Further Education : M

  1. Chartered Accountant
  2. Qualified Wealth Planner
Research (last 10 years) :
  1. The Role Of Audit Quality On The Determinants Of Auditor Performance.
  2. The Effect of Independence, Due Professional Care, and Experience on Audit Quality.
  3. Analysis Of Internal Factors Affecting External Audit Quality.
  4. Analysis Of Liquidity Ratio, Profitability, Solvency, And Activity Before And After Mergers Or Acquisitions In Mergers Or Acquisitions Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange.
  5. Waste Management in Sumur Batu Village, Central Jakarta.
  6. The Influence Of Profitability, Liquidity, Leverage , And Activities On The Timeliness Of Submitting Financial Statements.
  7. The Influence of Financial Targets, Nature of Industry, Change of Directors and CEO Politicians on Fraudulent Financial Statements.
  8. Empowering Housewives Through the Establishment of Independent Entrepreneurs in Johar Baru Village, Cempaka Putih.
Consultancy :
  1. Qualified Wealth Planner
  2. Consultant and Business Assistant for MSMEs
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? :
  1. In the internal audit course, this research on audit quality describes what are the benchmarks for auditor performance according to the topic of the internal audit course.
  2. This research describes the attitude and character factors as well as the internal auditor’s values that influence the results or quality of the audit in accordance with the topic of the internal audit course.
  3. This research focuses on what internal audit factors can influence the audit quality of the auditor’s work according to the topic of the internal audit course.
  4. This research focuses on comparing the financial performance of public companies before and after a merger or acquisition in accordance with one of the financial topics in the accounting information systems course.
  5. This research and activity focuses on how to help the community in managing waste and building competent waste bank management in accordance with one of the topics in the accounting information system course about systems.
  6. This research focuses on delays in submitting financial reports and the factors that cause this to happen, this is in accordance with the topic in the internal audit course.
  7. This research focuses on one of the topics in the accounting information systems course regarding fraudulent financial reports and systems to prevent this within the framework of internal control.
  8. This activity focuses on guiding household financial management for housewives and society in general in accordance with the topic of the accounting information system course on how to manage or form a system.
Work experience:
General :
  1. Rekso Group, Public Accountant (ARHJ)
  2. 2015 – now: Permanent Lecturer at YARSI University Accounting Study Program
Activities as an expert :
  1. Trainer MSMEs Mandala Mekar Village, Bandung, West Java Indonesia.
  2. Trainer waste bank management Sumur Batu Village, Central Jakarta, Indonesia.
  3. Trainer for financial management for households Johar Baru Village, Central Jakarta. Indonesia.
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): :
  1. The Role Of Audit Quality On The Determinants Of Auditor Performance.
  2. The Effect of Independence, Due Professional Care, and Experience on Audit Quality.
  3. Analysis Of Internal Factors Affecting External Audit Quality.
  4. Analysis Of Liquidity Ratio, Profitability, Solvency, And Activity Before And After Mergers Or Acquisitions In Mergers Or Acquisitions Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange.
  5. Waste Management in Sumur Batu Village, Central Jakarta.
  6. The Influence Of Profitability, Liquidity, Leverage , And Activities On The Timeliness Of Submitting Financial Statements.
  7. The Influence of Financial Targets, Nature of Industry, Change of Directors and CEO Politicians on Fraudulent Financial Statements.
  8. Empowering Housewives Through the Establishment of Independent Entrepreneurs in Johar Baru Village, Cempaka Putih.
Membership : Indonesian Accountants Association
International experience through:
Management Activities :
Acedemic Activities : The International Forum For Economic Development And Sustainable Business (The 3RD WIMAYA Yogyakarta)
Personal Background/ Experience :  
Books :
Conferences :  
Awards :
Certification :  
Other :