Surname : Zain
First Name : Efendy
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  • S1 Management, Andalas University
  • Master of HR Management, Jendral Soedirman University
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) : Human Resource Management
Further Qualifications : Operations Management and Introduction to Economics
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : 1996
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Assistant Professor
Teaching Focus : Human Resource Management
Interdisciplinary Aspects : Operations Management and Introduction to Economics
Activities in the Areas :  
Further Education : 2023, Training on Improving Basic Skills in Instructional Techniques, State University of Jakarta
Research (last 10 years) :
  1. 2013, Optimization of HR Performance in Sharia Microfinance Institutions (BMT) Through Position Analysis and HR Competency Model
  2. 2014, Tracer Study of Position Specifications and HR Competencies Based on the Publication of the Company’s Employee Recruitment Process
  3. 2014, Impact of CPO-Based Biofuel Development Policy on Fluctuations in Food and Energy Commodity Prices
  4. 2015, The Effect of Foreign Exchange Rates on Current Transactions (Indonesia-China Case Study)
Consultancy : Consultant Member of HPH Feasibility Study
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? : Some of the research results are used as materials in HR Management lessons/lectures.
Work experience:
General :
  1. Secretary of FE UNB (Nusa Bangsa University Bogor)
  2. Head of Computer Laboratory Faculty of Economics and Business YARSI University
  3. Head of Management Department Faculty of Economics and Business YARSI University
  4. Vice Dean 3 Faculty of Economics and Business YARSI University
  5. Secretary of Master Program in Management Faculty of Economics and Business YARSI University
Activities as an expert : 2022, Oral Presenter National Seminar 2nd Basic and Applied Science Conference (BASC) YARSI University
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): :
  1. 2015, The Portrait of Entrepreneurial Competence on Student Entrepreneurs
  2. 2015, Measuring Islamic Banking Performance with the Balance Scorecard Approach
  3. 2019, Financial Management Training for Housewives and PKK Cadres of RT 16 RW 04 East Cempaka Putih Village
  4. 2019, The Influence of Social Support and Work Family Conflict on Subjective Well-Being (Study on Housewives Working and Opening Umkm in Bogor Business Tourism Village)
  5. 2020, Analysis of the Characteristics of Local Travelers to the National Monument DKI Jakarta
  6. 2021, The Relationship between Selling Price and Rental Price of Apartments in JaBoDeTaBek
  7. 2022, Building the Spirit of Santri through Flower Pot Hanger Making Training and Entrepreneurship Workshop
  8. 2022, Creative and Innovative through Training on Making Snack Bouquet as an Alternative Gift for Santri
  9. 2023, Effect of Compensation, Job Insecurity Job Stress and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention (Case Study on CV XYZ Employees)
Membership : IAEI
International experience through:
Management Activities :
Acedemic Activities :
Personal Background/ Experience :
Books :
Conferences :  
Awards :
Certification :  
Other :