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- Effects of Methanolic Jatropha multifida L. Extract in Wound Healing Assessed by the Total Number of PMN Leukocytes and Fibroblasts. Makara Journal of Science. (2012). 16(3)
- PMN Leukocytes and Fibroblasts Numbers on Wound Burn Healing on the Skin of White Rat after Administration of Ambonese Plantain Banana. Makara Journal of Science. (2012). 16(1)
- Aktivitas Inhibitor α-Glukosidase Ekstrak Daun Toona sureni (Bl. ) Merr. sebagai Antihiperglikemik. Majalah Kesehatan Pharmamedika.(2018). 10(2)
- Pencegahan Pernikahan Anak/Dini melalui Peningkatan Pemahaman Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Penguatan PIK-R dan RPTRA Kelurahan Cipinang Besar Utara. Jurnal info Abdicendekia. (2023). 6(1)