Surname : Setianingrum
First Name : Any
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  1. S1 Agribusiness, Agriculture Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto
  2. S2 Islamic Banking, Azzahra University, Jakarta
  3. S3 Islamic Economics, Airlangga University, Surabaya
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) : Islamic Economics & Finance, Ethics & Governance, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Further Qualifications : Islamic Business, Islamic Banking
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : August 2015
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Associate Professor
Teaching Focus : Islamic Banking, Islamic Economics
Interdisciplinary Aspects :
  1. Sharia Economics Law
  2. 7

  3. Sharia Social Finance Law
  4. Islamic Business
Activities in the Areas :  
Further Education : MSME Companion Certification
Research (last 10 years) : Islamic Public Finance, Social Finance, Islamic Banking, and MSME
Consultancy :
  1. Chairwoman of Foundation Birul Walidain Purwokerto: Education, Social, and Religious 2023 – present
  2. Banker: 1994 – 1998
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? : Research and learning activities are very linier
Work experience: :
General :
  1. Associate Editor at Journal of Contemporary Business and Islamic Finance (JCBIF) The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan 01/2020 – Present, Jakarta, Indonesia
  2. Reviewer of Research Grant YARSI University 08/2019 – Present, Jakarta, Indonesia Reviewer in various National & Int scientific Journal International and National Journal Accredited & Reputable. 01/2019 – Present, Jakarta
  3. Indonesia Lecturer & Researcher in Economics & Business Faculty YARSI University 08/2015 – 08/2018, Jakarta
  4. Indonesia Lecturer & Resercher in Sharia Economics Study Program Azzahra University 08/2009 – 11/2014, Jakarta
  5. Indonesia Chief of Sharia Economics Study Program Azzahra University 01/2011 – 11/2014, Jakarta
  6. Indonesia Banker PT Bank Umum Nasional 02/1994 – 01/1998
  7. Indonesia Editor in Chief of Journal Economics & Business Aseanomics YARSI University. 08/2019 – Present, Jakarta, Indonesia International Board at Advanced Research in Social Sciences (ARSS) The Government Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur, Pakistan 01/2021 – Present, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
  8. Associate Editor at International Journal of Islamic Microfinance (IJMF), DPW IAEI DKI Jakarta 01/2020 – Present, Jakarta, Indonesia
  9. Lecturer & Researcher in Master of Management YARSI University 08/2018 – Present
Activities as an expert :
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): :
  1. Strengthening Regional Budget Funding Based on Sharia Fiscal Instruments, Case Study in the Regional Government of Bekasi City 06 February 2015 Ekonomika Bisnis (Business Economics), University of Muhammadiyah Malang, p- ISSN:2088-6845 e- ISSN:2442- 8604 Sinta 3 Accredited
  2. Application of Pattern of Islamic State Revenue Policy to Improve The Ability of Indonesia’s Fiscal (Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi, dalam proses terindek Scopus) 07 February 2015 Journal of Al-Iqtishad, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta Sinta 2 Accredited
  3. Zakat As Tax Credit For Harmonize Fiscal Setting In Indonesia October 2017 Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan (Journal of Development Economics), Muhammadiyah University Sinta 3 Accredited
  4. The Method of Raising Tax Revenue through Zakah as Tax Credit in Indonesia 04 January 2019 The International Journal of Zakat. Sinta 3 Accredited
  5. Community Service Program: Training of Sharia Cooperative Financial Services Agreement Application, for SMEs in Cempaka Putih 02 February 2018 Jurnal studi kasus inovasi ekonomi (Journal of Economics Innovation Cases Study, Muhammadiyah University) Sinta 3 Accredited
  6. Islamic Benchmark in Banking Pricing to Overcome Business Cycle in New Normal,Vol: 13 No.: 02, 2021, pp.22-44 November 2021 Internasional Journal of Economics and Finance Studies Scopus Indexed, Q4
  7. Prospects of Zakat as Tax Credit in a New Normal COVID-19 Period, Vol 6, No.1 Janauary 2021 International Journal of Zakat Sinta 3 Accredited
  8. How is the Real Sector Index Used For Pricing? 11 February 2021 Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma (Multiparadigma Accounting Journal) Sinta 2 Accredited
  9. Writing Opinion for Public Education: Donation Governance 11July 2022 Koran Republika
  10. International Proceeding Sharia Maqashid on Fiscal Policy, The Urgency of Modern Era October 2017 Proceedings of Islamic Economics Business and Philanthropy – ICIEBP 2017. SCITEPRESS Publishing, Scopus Index. Scopus Indexed
  11. Book The Pattern of Islamic Fiscal, The Urgency for Modern Government Solution October 2017 LAP, Jerman, October 2017, ISBN-13:978-620-2-02653-6, ISBN- 10:6202026537, EAN:9786202026536. Book language: English
  12. Essay writing for public education: Indonesia: Synergy of Islamic Finance and SME’s, International News Letter. IFN Vol 8 Issue 41 dated the 19th, October 2011, on page 23 (International) October 2011 Islamic Finance News, Singapore, Malaysia.
  13. Writing Essay for Public Education: BBM and Islamic Economics Republika National Daily, Opinion page, 25-11-2014 (National) November 25, 2014 Republika
  14. December 2021 Indonesian Hajj Fund: Comparative Study, Macro-Microeconomics, and Maqashid Sharia (p. 427, Bunga Rampai Book 30 Years of Indonesian Sharia Economics, ISBN: 978- 602- 17158-2-6). Cooperation of DPP Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam Indonesia (IAEI) with DPW DKI Jakarta & PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero)
Membership :
  1. Member of Society for Advancement of Socio Economic, Germany, Organized under AS Law domiciled in Washington DC: 2019 – present (02/2019 – Present)
  2. Research Coordinator of Islamic Economist Association, Jakarta area: 2018 – present (01/2018 – Present)
  3. National Council & Economist for the Forward Indonesian Movement 2018 – present (11/2018 – Present)
International experience through:
Management Activities : Experience in the last 10 years (if you have worked on an international scale)
Acedemic Activities :
  1. Joint Research Dr Any Setianingrum, Indonesia & Dr Huma, Pakistan, Entitled: Comparative Analysis of Islamic Banking Awareness Among Universities of Pakistan and Indonesia, July 2023 – Present
  2. As Honorable Advisory Committee Member of Journal of Contemporary Business And Islamic Finance-JCBIF (ISSN: 2790-2986), December 2022 – Present
  3. JEBA (I am as editor in chief) as 10th Global Waqf conference supporting journal(s)
  4. International Board at Advanced Research in Social Sciences (ARSS) The Government Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur, Pakistan, 2021 – Present
  5. Associate Editor at International Journal of Islamic Microfinance (IJMF), DPW IAEI DKI Jakarta, 2020 – Present
  6. International Peer Reviewer of Inderscience Publisher, Route de Pre-Bois, 14, 1216 Cointrin-Geneva, SWITZERLAND, October 2022
  7. International Peer Reviewer of Asian Journal of Economics, Busthess and Accounting, India, October 2020
  8. International Peer Reviewer of AZKA International Journal of Zakat & Social Finance (AZJAF), Malaysia, in the year 2022
  9. Providing recommendation based on request for an IPFP program of postdoctoral fellowship at the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan
  10. As an invitation Attending the AAOFI Public Hearing, held by AAOIFI, INCIEF University, ISRA, KNEKS, London, Sunday, May 14, 2023, virtually
  11. Keynote Speaker on International Webinar, The Government Sadiq Collage Woman University, Pakistas 14 January 2021, 07.30 AM UK Time, by ORIC in collaboration with Department of Management Setence
  12. A member in good standing of SASE (Society for Advancement of Socio and Economics) 2020 – present
  13. Presenter on 34th SASE Annual Conference | Virtual Conference Fractious Connections: Anarchy, Activism, Coordination, and Control 18th July – 20th July 2022* Sustainable Macroeconomic Indicator Model Based on Collaborative Economy, Risk Sharing & Distribution Justice (07/2022) Amsterdam University
  14. Presenter on 33rd SASE Annual Conference, After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism, Research Network R:Islamic Moral Economy and Finance, Theoretical and Empirical Explorations and Policy and Practical Responses for Covid- 19: Using the Level of Cash Generated in Banking Pricing Reference to Overcome Repeated Crisis and New Normal (07/2022) University Duisburg Essen, Germany, Virtual Conf, July 3-5, 2021
  15. Presenter on 32nd SASE (Society for Advancement of Socioeconomics) Annual Conference:Reducing Misallocation of Resources Through Price Mechanism of Sharia Financial Product Using Cash Recovery Rate (07/2020) University of Amsterdam, Webinar, 18-20 July 2020
  16. Presenter on the ‘DCIEF & BIES Conference 2019- Islamic Finance: New Frontiers in Economic Development’, co- organised by Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance (DCIEF), Durham University Business School (DUBS)and the British Islamic Economics Society (Masyakarat Ekonomi Syariah United Kingdom): Qualification of Islamic Price Modeling with Real Sector Index (07/2019) Durham University Business School, UK, 30th July-31st July 2019
  17. Durham Islamic Finance Summer School, Durham University Business School, July 2019
  18. Participant of the conference and workshop research forum entitled “Ties that Bind: Mechanisms and Structures of Social Dependency in the Early Islamic Empire,” which was held from Tuesday 3 until Friday 6 December 2019. The conference organised by the research project “Embedding Conquest: Naturalising Muslim Rule in the Early Islamic Empire (600-1000)” at Leiden University, the Netherlands
  19. The Best Article on Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma (Multi-paradigm Accounting Journal), Brawijaya University, Volume 11, Number 2, 2020: How Is the Real Sector Index Used for Pricing? (08/2020 – Present)
  20. Scientific Journal: Islamic Benchmark in Banking Pricing to Overcome Business Cycle in New Normal,Vol: 13 No.: 02, 2021, pp.22-44 November 2021 International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, Scopus Indexed, Q4
  21. Scientific Journals: Prospects of Zakat as Tax Credit in a New Normal COVID-19 Period, Vol 6, No.1, January 2021, International Journal of Zakat Sinta 3 Accredited
  22. Scientific Journals: The Method of Raising Tax Revenue through Zakah as Tax Credit in Indonesia, 04 January 2019, The International Journal of Zakat. Sinta 3 Accredited
  23. Presenter on the 4th International Conference of Zakat (ICONZ): The Prospect of Policies Integration on Zakat & Tax in Indonesia, to Overcome The Economics Problem Due to The Covid-19 Pandemic (10/2020) Baznaz Center of Strategic Studies & Ministry of Religious RI, October 7-8, 2020
  24. Presenter on Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economics and Development (GAMAICIED) 2018:The Best Incentive Treatment to Increase Tax Revenue Through Zakat & Religious Donations in Indonesia (08/2018) Gadjah Mada University, 31 August – 1 September 2018
  25. Presenter on the 3rd International Conference on Islamic Economics and Financial Inclusion (ICIEFI) – 2018 Islamic Social Finance for Sustainable Develpoment Goals: Optimizing Public Revenue Through the Strategy of Zakah as Tax Credit in Indonesia (07/2018) Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta – Indonesia, July 11-12, 2018.
Personal Background/ Experience :
  1. Joint Research Dr Any Setianingrum, Indonesia & Dr Huma, Pakistan, Entitled: Comparative Analysis of Islamic Banking Awareness Among Universities of Pakistan and Indonesia, July 2023 – Present
  2. Participant of the conference and workshop research forum entitled “Ties that Bind: Mechanisms and Structures of Social Dependency in the Early Islamic Empire,” which was held from Tuesday 3 until Friday 6 December 2019. The conference organised by the research project “Embedding Conquest: Naturalising Muslim Rule in the Early Islamic Empire (600- 1000)” at Leiden University, the Netherlands
  3. Durham Islamic Finance Summer School, Durham University Business School, July 2019
Books :
Conferences :  
Awards : The Best Article on Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma (Multiparadigm Accounting Journal), Brawijaya University, Volume 11, Number 2, 2020: How Is The Real Sector Index Used For Pricing? (08/2020 – Present)
Certification :  
Other :