At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: |
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2013 |
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): |
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Teaching Focus |
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Sharia Economics |
Interdisciplinary Aspects |
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Sharia Economics |
Activities in the Areas |
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Further Education |
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Research (last 10 years) |
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- Preference Analysis of Public at Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi (JABODETABEK) on the Use of Application-Based Transportation, published at the Seminar on research results on the Desemination Increasing the Productivity of Social Humanities and Science and Technology Research (2017)
- Efforts to Improve Marketing Performance of UMKM Products in the Tegalwaru Tourism Village, Bogor Regency, Published at Seminar of Suistainable Competitive Advantage 6 (2016)
- Islamic Corporate Culture Model for Islamic Banking, Published at Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Vol 2, No. 2 (2016)
Consultancy |
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- Indonesian Parliament Members of Commision XI At the House of Representatives Republic of Indonesia
- Deputy Chairman of State Finance Accountability Committee (BAKN DPR RI)
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? |
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- Analysis of Jabodetabek Community Preferences for the Use of Application-Based Transportation (2017)
- Efforts to Improve the Marketing Performance of MSME Products in Tegalwaru Tourism Village, Bogor Regency (2017)
- Islamic Corporate Culture Model for Islamic Banking (2016)
Work experience: |
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General |
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Activities as an expert |
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- Trainer and speaker to related topics in HRM, Change Management, Leadership, Team Building, Communication & Motivation for several organizations, such as Badan Usaha Milik Negara, Badan Usaha Milik Daerah, Hospital, Banking.
- Analysts and researchers for local government institutions
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): |
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- Cerating Islamic Corporate Cultur Model For Islamic Banking, Volume 2 No. 2, 2016, Jurnal JEBIS
- The Influence of Organizational Culture and Leadership on Performance at Koja Hospital, Volume 2, No. 1, 2015, Jurnal JEBA
- The Influence of Leadership and Organizational Culture on the Performance of TP PKK Cadres Volume 2, No. 2, 2015, Jurnal JEBA
- Revealing the Identity of Islamic Economics, Volume 2, No.1, 2014, Jurnal Ekonomika
- Islamic Economic or Iqtishad? A Critical study on The Islamic Economic Term, Volume 1, No. 1, September 2013, Jurnal IMANENSI
Membership |
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- FORDEBI (Indonesian Islamic Economics Lecturer Forum)
- IAEI (Association Indonesian Islamic Economic Experts)
- MASEI (Council of Islamic Economics Scholars)
International experience through: |
Management Activities |
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Acedemic Activities |
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- 2016, July 29th- August 2nd, Workshop of Planning and Improving Our Educational Sector, Research article : New Trend in Educational Sector. Srilanka, Colombo
- 2016, May 12-14, Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economic and Development (GAMA ICIED 2016) Research article: Methodology of Building a Genuine and Indepent Islamic Economic System, Yogyakarta
- 2015, August 25-27, International Conference on Islamic Economic and Finance (ICIEF), Research Article : Creating Islamic Corporate Culture in Islamic Banking, Lombok, Mataram.
- 2014, International Conference on Islamic Economics Civilization, Research Article: Islamic Economic or Iqtishad? A Critical study on The Islamic Economic Term. Surabaya, Indonesia.
- 2014, September 25th, Islamic Finance & Business Journal (IFBJ), Research Article: Concepts and Roles Baitul Mal’s Strategy as a Financial Manager Public in Islamic History, as well as Opportunities Application in Indonesia. Jakarta.
- 2014, April 17th, Islamic Economic Highlight (ICELIGHTS), Research Article: The Role of Sharia Economics in Improving Indonesian Economy Facing MEA 2015. Perbanas Institute Jakarta
Personal Background/ Experience |
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- 2016, May 26th, Increasing the Capacity of Women in Political Institutios in the Framework of Gender Equality Batch VI, Research article: Increasing the Capacity of Women in Political Institutios in the Framework of Gender Equality, Jakarta
- 2016, April 9th, 5th Graduation of STIU Dirosat Islamiyah Al Hikmah Jakarta, Research Article: Increasing the Role of STIU Alumni Dirosat Al Hikmah In the Formation of the Character of the Indonesian Nation Religious and Dignified. Jakarta
- 2015, February 21-28, The Family Resilience Seminar and Workshop, Research Article: Family Resilience for Civilization Building. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- 2013, September 12-14, ICAPP Special Conference on Women’s Leadership and Empowerment, Research Article: Women’s Role in Peace Building Women’s Role in Politics, Women’s Role in Economy. Seoul, South Korea.
Books |
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Conferences |
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Awards |
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Best Paper on International Conference on Islamic Economics and Civilization (ICIEC) Economy and Business Faculty of Airlangga University, Surabaya, 2014 |
Certification |
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Other |
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