Surname : Budiman
First Name : Andika Nuraga
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  • S.E (Bachelor of Economic), Management, Faculty of Economic, Institute Bogor Agriculture
  • M.Buss. in Business Management Programme, Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounttancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
No Phone Office :
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) : Marketing
Further Qualifications : Research Method
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: : 2019
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Full Time
Teaching Focus : Marketing
Interdisciplinary Aspects : Communication Business, Consumer behavior
Activities in the Areas :  
Further Education : Sertifikat Kompetinsi certified digital marketing professional (CDMP) jalur pelatihan dan ujian sertifikasi internasional AAMP/AAFM/GAFM/IBS
Research (last 10 years) :
  1. Muslims’ Understanding of Subscribing to Halal Restaurants: The Role of Halal Logo and Consumer Attitude in Bogor City (2019)
  2. The Role of Social Marketing in Smoking Prevention: Religiosity, Trust and Attitude (2019)
  3. What is affecting Muslims to Subscribing Halal Restaurant? (2020)
  4. Can an Advertisement Influence Consumers to Subscribe to Halal Restaurant? (2020)
  5. Assistance in Revitalizing Youth Tourism Village in Ciseeng Village, Bogor (2021)
  6. The Influence of Restaurant Attributes on Muslim Consumer Towards Subscribing Halal Restaurant in Comparison Study: Bogor and Kinabalu (2021)
  7. A Product Attribute Influencing Halal Product Purchase Decisions: A Field Study in Bogor (2022)
  8. An Effect of Halal’s Dimensions On Subscription To Halal Restaurants In Jakarta (2022)
Consultancy :
  1. Journal Reviewer JEBA
  2. Journal Reviewer JOBS
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? : Research gives impact on combining both theory and real-life experience to enrich class activities in order to deliver different and interesting experience for students and the lecturers’ themselves
Work experience:
General :
Activities as an expert :
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): :
  1. 2019, “Committee call for community service paper community service at YARSI University 2019” YARSI University community service national webinar section Editor JEBA Journal
  2. 2020, Moderator of “Be creative entraprenour in the New Normal”
  3. 2020, Moderator of “Looking for the ability to Realize Deram”
  4. 2021, Speaker of “How to Push Social Media Engagement” Moderator of Webminar INCOME “Millenials can get Money by ChangingThier Mindest During Pandemic”
  5. 2019, The Role of Social Marketing in Smoking prevention religiosity, Trust and Attitude
  6. 2020, Can an Advertisement Influence Consumers to Subscribe to Halal Restaurants?
  7. 2021, English professional speaking pada segmen pemasaran di Madrasah Aliyah Negri 3 Jakarta
  8. 2022, The Influence of restaurant attributes on muslim consumers towards subscribing Halal restaurant in comparison study Bogor and Kora Kinabalu
  9. 2023, Upgrading SMEs with Business diversification
Membership :
International experience through:
Management Activities :  
Acedemic Activities :
Personal Background/ Experience :  
Books :
Conferences :  
Awards :
Certification :  
Other :