Surname : Purwaningsih
First Name : Endang
Email address :
Academic Qualification :
  • Doctoral program (Airlangga University, Indonesia)
  • Postgraduate (Gajah Mada University, Indonesia)
  • Graduate (Diponegoro University, Indonesia)
No Phone Office : 4269288
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach) : Law Lecturer for graduate and postgraduate
Further Qualifications :
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: :
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): : Fultime (Professor)
Teaching Focus : Economic Law/ IPR
Interdisciplinary Aspects :
  1. Corporate Law,
  2. MSME’s Law
Activities in the Areas :
Further Education :
  1. Notary Program (Mastery) Jayabaya University, 2013
  2. The IP Rights Training Course for Lawyers (IPLA) 2003. AOTS & JIII Japan
  3. Consolidating National Values for Lecturers All over Indonesia 2012. Lemhanas RI
  4. Advance Course on Recent issue on Intellectual Property Law. 2016. Indonesian IP Academy, FHUI dan CLE
  5. International Training for Halal Auditors. 2016. ARK Halal Competency Development Specialist Singapore, Indonesian Halal Product Foundation and YARSI University
Research (last 10 years) :
  1. Innovation Ability and Competitive Advantage in the Protection and Branding of MSME Products Based on Local Wisdom and Information Technology to Break Through Exports (2021-2023)
  2. Analysis of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an Inventor Based on Patent Law and Islamic Law (2022)
  3. Analysis of Knowledge and Motivation of Central Java MSMEs in Obtaining Legal Entities and Legal Products (2022)
  4. Analysis of the Implementation of Digital Transformation of Land Certificates (Deed) n the Era 4.0 (2022)
  5. Stakeholder Participatory Collaborative Model-Based MSME Sustainability Development and Independent Campus Program(2021)
  6. Institutional Strengthening of MSMEs through Legal Protection Support (2021)
  7. Juridical Analysis of Government Policy in Appointing MSMEs during the Covid 19 Pandemic (2021)
  8. Patent Policy through Strengthening Technology Invention Protection and Juridical Analysis of Government Policy in Appointing MSMEs during the Covid 19 Pandemic (2021)
  9. Royalties on Intellectual Property Rights Licenses in Investments under Islamic Law (2020)
  10. Knowledge and Motivation Village Community of ‘Jambu Kristal’ Bantarsari Bogor regarding Trademark Registration and Geographical Indications in the framework of Trademark Ownership and geographic indications (2020)
  11. Legal Protection of Traditional Foods through Trademark and Geographical Indications towards Commercialization of Competitive Products (2017- 2019)
  12. Development of Local-Genius-Education Based Social Awareness Model (2017-2019)
  13. Empowerment Model for Tegal Waru Bogor MSME Producers in E-Commerce Transactions and Legal Protection (2018)
  14. Knowledge and Motivation Traditional food producers in Brebes Regency towards trademarks in an effort to improve Legal awareness and competitive awareness (2018)
  15. Comparative Study Coverage of patent protection and law enforcement based on patent law Japan, America and Indonesia (2017)
  16. Utilization of intellectual property as an object of fiduciary guarantees at financial institutions (2017)
  17. Potential and Strategy for the Development of Traditional Medicines/ Herbs for the Herbal Medicine Industry in Central and East Java (2014-2016)
  18. Land Procurement for Public Interest in the Trans Sumatra PPJT (2016)
  19. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Knowledge of Lecturers in Efforts to Increase Awareness of Intellectual Property Rights of the Academic Community (2016)
  20. Student Legal Knowledge and Awareness of Copyright in the framework of Increasing Intellectual Property Awareness (2015)
  21. The Model for Empowering the Coastal Communities of UntungJava Island in an Effort to Increase Fishermen’s Legal Awareness and Independence (2015)
  22. Legal Awareness of Registeredmark Ownership in Pekalongan Batik Craftsmen, Central Java (2014)
  23. Indigenous People Empowerment Model in Protecting Indonesian Traditional Knowledge (2012-2013)
Consultancy :
  1. MSME’s legal assistance and facilitation
  2. IPR law and management
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? : The results of research on the independent campus program funded by LPDP Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture and its application in MSME activities, become feedback for learning discussion in class
Work experience:
General : IPR Lecturer at:

  1. Bandar Lampung University (UBL)
  2. Lampung University (UNILA)
  3. IBLAM Law School
  4. YARSI University
Activities as an expert :
  1. ssisting MSMEs in registering IPR is funded through research from the Higher Education
  2. perform community service through legal counseling and legal training, especially in obtaining legal entities and legal products
  3. become a resource person in scientific seminars and expert lectures
Publication (as first author at last 10 years): :
  1. Analysis of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an Inventor Based on Patent Law and Islamic Law (2023)
  2. Legality of Royalty fee for Intellectual Propoerty Right License Agreement in Investment Based on Islamic Law (2022)
  3. MSME Sustainability Development Based On Stakeholder Participatory Collaboration And Independent Campus Freedom To Learn Policy (2022)
  4. Legal Protection support to Local Product Commercialization Based on Local Wisdom and Innovative Advantage in Order to Export (2022)
  5. Protection and Strengthening of MSME Institutions Based on Local Uniqueness during the Pandemic
  6. Appointment of MSMEs in the Pandemic Period Through Legal Protection and Empowerment Policies (2022)
  7. Knowledge of SMPN 32 Bekasi Teachers on the Importance of Authentic Deeds in Land Transactions (2022)
  8. Independent Campus in MSME Development (A Participatory Collaborative Model)(2022)
  9. Writing Scientific Papers of Teachers with Potential Copyrights in an Effort to Support the Competence of Teachers of SMPN 32 Bekasi (2021)
  10. Creation Law in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Export-Oriented Products (2021)
  11. Patent Policy Through Strengthening Technology Invention Protection and Increasing Innovation Capability (2021)
  12. Increasing Copyright Awareness for Teachers of SMPN 77 Jakarta (2021)
  13. Technology and Economic Interest on Indonesia Patent Protection (2020)
  14. Role of Trademark in Improving Legal and Competitive Awareness (2020)
  15. Patent Law Protection and its Enforcement in Indonesia, Japan, and the USA (2020)
  16. Intellectual Property as an Object of Fiduciary Guarantee in an Effort to Obtain Credit at Financial Institutions (2020)
  17. Branding of Tegal Waru Business Tourism Village MSME Products through Brand Reputation and Technology Information Base (2020)
  18. Increasing Knowledge of Business Transactions in Business and Sharia Law for Teachers of SMPN 77 Jakarta (2020)
  19. Knowledge and Motivation of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) on Trademark Registration and Geographic Indications (2020)
  20. Knowledge and Motivation of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) on Trademark Registration and Geographic Indications (2019)
  21. Promotion of Indonesia’s MSMES Food Products Through Trademark Protection And Information Technology Optimization (2019)
  22. Intellectual Property Rights in Supporting Entrepreneurship In Indonesia Micro Small Medium Enterprises Scale (2019)
  23. Development and Protection of Traditional Medicines/ Herbs for the Herbal Medicine Industry in Central Java and East Java (2019)
  24. Land Procurement for the Public Interest in the Trans Sumatra Toll Road Concession Agreement (PPJT) (2019)
  25. Legal Protection Towards Indonesian Traditional food and Drinks (2019)
  26. Increasing Intellectual Property Rights Knowledge of MAN3 Jakarta Teachers in Growing Intellectual Property Awareness (2019)
  27. Improving the Quality of MSME Products in the Tegal Waru Business Tourism Village in the Efforts to Commercialize Competitive and Information Technology-Based Products (2019)
  28. Legal Protection Towards Traditional Food Based On Mark And Geographic Indication Law (2018)
  29. ITE Law Counseling for Teachers and Students 05 SDN Cempaka Baru 05 Kemayoran Central Jakarta (2018)
  30. Counseling on Child Protection Law for Students and Teachers of SDN Cempaka Baru 05 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta (2018)
  31. Counseling on Buying and Selling Law according to Business and Sharia Law for Muslim Communities in Cempaka Baru Kemayoran Subdistrict, Central Jakarta (2017)
  32. Counseling on Civil and Criminal Law for Cempaka Baru Kemayoran Village Officials, Central Jakarta (2017)
  33. Product Certification And Legal Protection To Enhance Indonesian Traditional Herbal Productions (2017)
  34. Forms of Notary Law Violations in Banten Province and Law Enforcement (2015)
  35. Student Legal Knowledge and Awareness of Copyright in the Context of Growing Intellectual Proper
  36. Disclosure of Origin on Recognition and Publication of Traditional Knowledge in Legal Protection Effortsty Awareness (2015)
  37. Disclosure of Origin on Recognition and Publication of Traditional Knowledge in Legal Protection Effortsty Awareness (2015)
  38. Protection and Development of Traditional Knowledge through Participation, Regulation and Publication of Disclosure of Origin Patent as Legal Construction: Supporting the Cycle Intellectual Creation and The Indigenous Technological Capabilities (2013)
  39. The Empowerment Model of Indigenous People For Legal Protection against Indonesian Traditional Knowledge (2013)
  40. Juridical Analysis of Disputes on Well-Known Marks, Prior Marks and Registered Marks (2013)
Membership :
  1. Indonesian IPR Lecturer Association
  2. Indonesian Civil Law Lecturer Association
International experience through:
Management Activities :
Acedemic Activities :
  1. International Conference Sain Tech Alam Melayu (SALAM4)
  2. SSBRN Symposium, Bali 2016
  3. International Conference IP Asia, Singapura 2018
  4. International Conference on Law, Environment, Culture and Globalization (ICLEGG), Bengkulu, 2018
  5. International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH) Kuala Lumpur, 2019
  6. International Conference on Science and Technology in Administration and Management: Sustainable Development from Research to Actions, Jakarta, 2019
  7. IPIRA International Conference. Innovation and IPR Concerns IPIRA, online by WIPO, WTO, Texas University, UI, 2022
Personal Background/ Experience :
Books :
  1. Actions of Directors of Limited Liability Company in Intra Vires and Ultra Vires Vortex, Bookchapter 2023
  2. The Dynamics of the Role of Notaries in the Development of Civil Law, Bookchapter on the Narrative of the Dynamics of Indonesian Notary Law, 2022
  3. Implementation of Notary Office, Bookchapter, in the book Development of Civil Law, 2022
  4. MBKM Learning Synergy on MSMEs and the Role of Stakeholders, 2022
  5. Company Law, 2022
  6. IPR: Inevitability for MSMEs to Upgrade, 2022
  7. MSMEs Can Export: An Objective and Evaluation, 2022
  8. Legal Research Methods, 2022
  9. MSMEs and Export Readiness, 2021
  10. Business Law: Special Study of Indonesian MSMEs, 2020
  11. Patents and Trademarks: Economic and Technological Interests in the Exploitation of Patents and Marks, 2020
  12. IPR and Investment, 2019
  13. Patent law, 2019
  14. SMEs, Legal Aspects and Product Marketing Management, 2018
  15. Product Certification (Trademark Certification, Distribution Permit and Halal Label) 2015
  16. Business Law, 2015
  17. IPR, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, 2013
Conferences :
Awards :
Certification :
Other :
  1. the first prize writer of scientific papers for the office of tourism, post and telecommunications in Central Java province
  2. 1st place winner lecturer in the field of social humanities in the DKI Jakarta area
  3. The Winner in student level table tennis in Purworejo district
  4. The Winner in the Pancasila quiz (Cerdas Cermat) the Purworejo district level
  5. The Winner in the Yarsi University table tennis competition
  6. Finalist in the Yarsi Researcher Award