The video titled “Mencari Udara Bersih di Sekitar Kita, Apa Mungkin?” broadcasted by Liputan6, is an educational resource on the impacts of air pollution in Jakarta and its effects on […]
Category Archives: SDGs
On December 8, 2023, Yarsi University held a webinar titled “Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual (PPKS) dalam Tinjauan Islam,” featuring keynote speaker H. Andri Gunawan, S.Pd.I, BA(Hons), M.Phil. During the […]
On August 23, 2024, the Yarsi SDGs team participated online in an event titled “Road to ISF 2024,” which addressed critical issues related to Indonesia’s commitment to facing the challenges […]
YARSI University hosted a webinar on “Islam and Climate Change” on April 26, 2024, featuring Dr. Muhammad Faisal, MS.Ak. The event explored Islamic perspectives on climate change and environmental policies, […]
On February 2, 2024, YARSI University hosted a webinar titled “Kriteria Pemimpin dalam Perspektif Islam” (Leadership Criteria from an Islamic Perspective). The event explored leadership principles aligned with Islamic teachings […]
On May 17, 2024, Yarsi University held an event titled “YARSI BERSAMA PALESTINA: Ungkapan Cinta untuk Palestina,” featuring the keynote speaker KH. Bachtiar Nasir, Lc., MM. During the session, KH. […]
YARSI University’s decision to implement a wudhu recycling system for plant irrigation is a commendable step in wastewater management. Masjid Jami YARSI’s establishment of a wudhu wastewater storage system is […]
On July 31, 2024, Yarsi University conducted a virtual workshop focused on the development of modules for preventing and addressing bullying and cyberbullying in educational settings. The event, which took […]
Dilansir dari halaman website THE Impact Ranking, Universitas YARSI kembali mencatatkan prestasi membanggakan dengan meraih peringkat 3 di Wilayah LLDikti III (Jakarta) versi THE Impact Ranking 2024. Secara global, Universitas […]
Program penurunan stunting di kecamatan Kresek, Kabupaten Tangerang dengan intervensi susu kepada ibu hamil telah dimulai oleh tim Stunting Universitas YARSI yang bekerja sama dengan PT Kalbe Nutrisional sejak tahun […]