Selamat ulang tahun ke-56 Universitas Yarsi. Doa dan harapan terbaik kami berikan untuk seluruh insan Universitas Yarsi kini merayakan hari jadinya. “Semoga semua target dapat tercapai, serta menciptakan kebaikan bagi […]
Author Archives: M.
The International Higher Education Conference (IHEC) is a prestigious global event designed to bring together academic leaders, university administrators, and scholars from around the world to discuss and collaborate on […]
Universitas YARSI proudly announces that one of its outstanding students, Dwina Islami Putri, from the Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, has been selected as an awardee of the […]
On April 17, 2023, Universitas YARSI proudly held a thought-provoking podcast talk show titled “Women in STEM.” The event, which took place in the Podcast Room on the 5th floor […]
Persaingan memasuki dunia kerja dewasa ini semakin ketat dan tak terelakkan, mendorong para generasi muda usia kerja untuk dapat lebih meningkatkan kapabilitas dirinya sehingga mampu memiliki daya saing yang dibutuhkan […]
INTI International University is committed to integrate the strengths of its partner universities and its innovative, international, and personalized educational resources in Malaysia to cultivate relevant talents. On March 29, […]
In commemoration of its 56th anniversary, Universitas YARSI, through the Office for International Affairs, successfully organized The Global Art Workshops, a cultural and artistic celebration that brought together participants to […]
Setiap hari, hampir 4400 orang meninggal karena tuberkulosis (TB) dan sekitar 30.000 orang jatuh sakit karena penyakit TB . Meskipun penyakit TB dapat dicegah dan diobati. TB adalah penyebab utama […]
Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia (KKI) melakukan monitoring evaluasi (visitasi) ke Universitas Yarsi selama dua hari , kemarin..Visitasi itu berkaitan pembukaan program studi Spesialis Kedokteran Keluarga Layanan Primer(SpKKLP). Tim Visitasi disambut Ketua Pengurus […]
Asosiasi Masjid Kampus Indonesia (AMKI) sukses menggelar Kongres Nasional ke–3 di Universitas Yarsi Jakarta. Kegiatan dilakukan secara daring dan luring dihadiri para perwakilan pengurus maupun anggota AMKI seluruh Indonesia. 148 […]