A Smart Guide to International Etiquette

“International Etiquette” is a thematic component of the Continuous Professional Development activities organized by Yarsi University. The primary aim of this activity is to help students understand the concepts of international etiquette and manners, and to develop the skills necessary for effective interaction in a global business and professional environment.

The program consists of two sessions. In the first session (July 5, 2023, 2 hours), students will learn the definitions of etiquette and manners, and understand the differences between them. They will watch videos illustrating various types of etiquette and manners, and discuss these with the instructor. Students will identify the distinctions between etiquette and manners and grasp the importance of both in international interactions.

The second session, running from July 6 to July 11, 2023, will focus on different types of etiquette, such as social etiquette, business etiquette, and dining etiquette. Students will be tasked with identifying what is considered “good” and “bad” in etiquette and discussing these in class. Additionally, students will participate in role-playing exercises to enact scenarios depicting good and bad etiquette. A class discussion will follow to explore the impact of proper and improper etiquette on career success.

Overall, the “International Etiquette” program contributes to several Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 4: Quality Education, Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. Developing an understanding of and skills in international etiquette and manners is a crucial foundation for students to become successful individuals and contribute to sustainable development.