Exploring Medical Education Through Islamic Lenses: A Comprehensive Overview

On September 29, 2023, Universitas YARSI hosted a webinar titled “Pendidikan Kedokteran dalam Perspektif Islam,” featuring Dr. Zwasta Pribadi Mahardhika, M.Med.Ed., as the keynote speaker. The webinar explored the integration of Islamic principles into medical education, emphasizing how Islamic values can enrich and guide the curriculum. Dr. Mahardhika discussed the components of an Islamic-based medical curriculum, which includes incorporating ethical teachings from the Quran and Hadith, promoting compassionate patient care, and fostering a holistic approach to medicine.

The webinar also covered the application of an Islamic curriculum in medical education, detailing how to blend traditional medical knowledge with Islamic ethics and values. Dr. Mahardhika highlighted the importance of preparing future medical professionals who are not only skilled in clinical practices but also deeply aware of their moral and ethical responsibilities. By integrating Islamic teachings with medical training, the webinar aimed to develop a curriculum that upholds both high medical standards and spiritual principles, ultimately preparing well-rounded practitioners who can contribute positively to both their patients and society.

This event aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being, by striving to improve medical education and ensure that healthcare professionals are well-equipped to provide compassionate and ethical care. Additionally, it supports SDG 4: Quality Education by promoting an inclusive and holistic approach to medical training that integrates spiritual and ethical dimensions into the curriculum.

Link Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/live/2ovVXGG0T-o?si=EMd2N1EvNnH0DKuP