Parenting Children with Special Needs: Combining Psychological Expertise with Islamic Principles

On August 4, 2023, Universitas Yarsi hosted a webinar titled “Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus: Bagaimana Keluarga Menyikapinya Menurut Perspektif Psikologi dan Islam?” with Dr. Melok Roro Kinanthi, Psikolog, as the keynote speaker. The webinar explored the definition of children with special needs (ABK) and the various stressors families may encounter while raising them. Dr. Melok highlighted that the presence of an ABK can sometimes lead to negative family responses, such as denial, frustration, and social stigma, which can intensify emotional stress within the household. The discussion also introduced Islamic coping strategies, emphasizing the importance of patience (sabr), prayer, and community support as essential tools in managing the challenges associated with raising an ABK.

Furthermore, Dr. Melok encouraged families to adopt a positive perspective by focusing on the unique strengths and potential of their child, rather than fixating on their limitations. Practical approaches to managing stress were also discussed, including open communication, seeking professional assistance, and engaging in regular self-care. The event emphasized the importance of balancing psychological resilience with spiritual faith, aiming to empower families to navigate the complexities of raising an ABK with both grace and positivity. This webinar aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being, by promoting mental health and emotional support, and SDG 4: Quality Education, by advocating for inclusive education and awareness for children with special needs.