The webinar titled “Stress Management with Islamic Spiritual Mindfulness,” held on October 27, 2023, at Masjid Jami Yarsi, focused on explaining the concept of mindfulness in Islam through practices such […]
Daily Archives: 27/08/2024
The webinar “Telomer, Penuaan dalam Perspektif Islam” is an important event focused on understanding the science of aging and its integration with Islamic perspectives. Held on July 12, 2024, at […]
The webinar “Menghindari Penyakit Keganasan Reproduksi dalam Tinjauan Medis dan Islam” could be a noteworthy occasion pointed at upgrading understanding and anticipation of regenerative malignancies through both therapeutic and Islamic […]
The webinar “Dealing with Burnout: Mindful Self-Care in Islamic Perspective” is a significant initiative aimed at addressing the challenges of burnout by integrating mindful self-care practices rooted in Islamic teachings. […]
On August 4, 2023, Universitas Yarsi hosted a webinar titled “Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus: Bagaimana Keluarga Menyikapinya Menurut Perspektif Psikologi dan Islam?” with Dr. Melok Roro Kinanthi, Psikolog, as the keynote […]
On July 31, 2024, Yarsi University conducted a virtual workshop focused on the development of modules for preventing and addressing bullying and cyberbullying in educational settings. The event, which took […]
On June 28, 2024, Yarsi University held an webinar titled “Hutang Piutang dalam Islam: Dampak & Tantangannya,” which provided an in-depth exploration of debt and credit within the framework of […]
“Hukum Pinjol dalam Islam, Gaya Hidup atau Kebutuhan?” The webinar was organized by YARSI University on October 13 2023, to discuss the legal aspects of online loans (pinjol) from an […]
YARSI University hosted the “Indonesia Emas 2045: Amanah yang Harus Diperjuangkan” webinar on January 19, 2024, in support of SDG 1 (No Poverty). Speaker Dodik Pranata Wijaya emphasized the importance […]
Prof. Dr. H. Nurul Huda, S.E., M.M., M.Si. led a community service initiative focusing on the implementation of wakaf crowdfunding as a means of empowering small and medium enterprises (UMKMs) […]